About Jarcon

The power of experience
What we stand for
Today every company faces a global challenge – we want everyone to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a better quality of life but to do so without compromising the quality of life for future generations. For our society that means limiting climate change and protecting natural resources but also stimulating cohesive and healthy local communities, promoting fairness and justice in the workplace and building a strong, stable business.


Everybody has obligations to act responsibly in order to achieve these goals whether as individuals, groups, or business in general. By adopting socially and environmentally responsible behaviour businesses can make a significant contribution to boosting wealth creation and employment, fostering social justice and protecting the environment.


Essentially, this means companies taking account of the economic, social and environmental impacts that arise from the way in which they operate – maximising the benefits and minimising the negatives. At Jarcon Technology Ltd Services, we see Corporate Responsibility (or Corporate Social Responsibility) as the voluntary actions that business can take, over and above compliance with minimum legal requirements, to address both its own competitive interests and the interests of wider society.

Our vision is to develop annually, the Company and its employees as the BEST and most demanded service provider and supplier of generators and high voltage (HV) switchgear.

Our mission is to be the leader in our field, providing a holistic approach to the design, manufacture, installation, maintenance and servicing of generators and HV switchgear equipment. We will do this by working closely with and exceeding our client expectations on service, quality and price by deploying highly skilled and developed professional employees.

Our strategy for achieving this vision is to create a policy framework with prescribed levels of performance in the fields of health and safety, environmental impact and employment practices, whilst also encouraging and enabling wider responsible behavior within our workforce that stimulates innovation and the
application of best practice.

Our values


exhibited through team spirit, co-operation and harmonized working


using “the power of experience” to exhibit reliable, versatile and accountable behaviors


in client service, cost effective solutions and quality standards


which is delivered through a highly trained, multi-disciplined, professional and experienced team of the highest technical quality

JARCON is your right choice, contact with us for your solution