LED Lighting Solutions

The power of experience

JARCON Lighting Solutions for your Industry

JARCON Explore the Lighting Applications industry segments below. In each industry segment, you will find market overviews and leading industry news, along with LED lighting solutions for your particular lighting applications.

Product Solutions
An Outstanding Return on a Light Investment
Businesses usually require investments with short payback periods and attractive rates of return. Energy-efficient lighting is just such an investment. As much as 40 percent of your electric bill may be just the cost of your business lighting requirements.

By installing energy-efficient lighting, you can:

• Significantly reduce electric usage
• Decrease monthly energy costs
• Markedly improve lighting quality
• Provide a safer and more productive work environment.

JEIL Lumen Maintenance Performance

Lumen maintenance for JEIL solid-state lighting LEDs are typically defined in terms of the percentage of initial light output remaining after a specified period of time. We project that our LEDs will deliver, on average, 70% lumen maintenance at 50,000 hours of operation at a forward current of up to 700 mA. This projection is based on constant operation with a junction temperature maintained at or below 135°C. This performance is based on independent test data and internal reliability testing.
JARCON is your right choice, contact with us for your solution